About Me

I'm Yari Icke. I like making visual game elements. Specifically, shaders.
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Why Game Development?

Before getting into anything else. Why did I choose Game Development?
I chose Game Development because games can have such an enormous impact on your life. It is a safe space that takes you away from all the troubles and issues in your life. At that moment you can just be the main character of that game and get swept away into the world.
Of course, this isn't limited to games. This also happens in movies, shows, and many other types of visual entertainment. This is why I chose the route of Shaders, Lighting, and Environment Design.

Who am I?

I'm Yari Icke. I'm 20 years old and I live in The Netherlands.
I have an affinity for water. So, in my free time, I volunteer at the KRNM (Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij or Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution). This is a professional, volunteer-based, Search and Rescue / Incidence response institution all throughout the country. We work 24/7 to keep the people on the water safe or provide the critical aid needed.

I decided to go into game development after having a web development class in high school. I really liked the direct response I got from coding. I also really liked that you could create something from nothing with just a few words. this concept was like magic to me.

I'm overall a pretty adaptable person. I can work together with a lot of people no matter the circumstance. I also won't be in trouble when I start working on something I don't have a lot of knowledge of, I learn quickly and aim to learn as much about visuals as I can.

My current goals.

As of right now, I'm trying to learn a lot more about the Unreal Engine 4. The way this engine calculates lighting seems like a real treat compared to Unity. My ultimate goal is to create an environment and props in blender and render them out in Unreal Engine. I would like to make a little cliffside camp area during sunset and render out a short mp4 of that scene.

My Resume

Download my resume here.

My Qualifications

Experience is based on projects in my free time or for school.

Skills Description Expierence in years
HLSL Modular shader development 2
C# Game Development in C# 4
Unity Game Development in Unity 4
Rapid Prototyping Making quick testable prototypes in unity 4
Autodesk Maya3D Making Simple models as placeholders 2
Scrum & Agile Developing a game using the Scrum and Agile principles 4
Node Based Shaders Making shaders in Unity's Shadergraph 3
Simple Blender Models Making placeholder art 0.5
Post Processing Post processing in game engines 3
Cinemachine Camera animation plugin for Unity 2
Environment Design A specialized class where I learned about environments 1
Premiere Editing videos for projects 5
After Effects Special effects for personal use 5
Photoshop Editing, color grading and transforming images 5

Polar Environment

I like winter and snow. So to get in the mood for winter I started working on this project.
My goal is to make a realistic winter wonder land that I can keep on expanding while I learn.

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Vaporwave Car Ride

A bit of a deeper dive into the rendering side of game engines.

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